domingo, 20 de agosto de 2017

Llorando por las Ramblas de Barcelona!!!

No hay palabras para expresar lo acontecido en mi provincia natal. No obstante, se me ha ocurrido una gran metáfora para ensalzar la solidaridad, el dolor, la determinación de personas anónimas que no dudan en arriesgar sus vidas por la de otras -y cuyas historias jamás conoceremos-, así como la libertad y la valentía de nuestra sociedad... Qué injusto es perder la vida antes de lo previsto. Cuánto dolor sin sentido... De todo ello, y mucho más, ha nacido el siguiente torpepoema, pero, como siempre, con muchísima torpeza...

Atentado en Barcelona, a 17 de agosto de 2.017
Un par de chanclas deshabitadas
en medio de Plaza Cataluña.
Un teléfono móvil tiritando sobre el suelo,
solo, desatendido, afónico
por culpa de su propio eco
de alaridos.

. . . Se había lanzado a tumba abierta en busca de la vida.

No la suya.
Sino la de ella. . .

"Si no regreso, decid
que libremente

Fueron sus últimas palabras,

previo al empujón que propinó
a toda una estirpe de futuro y esperanzas,
justo inmediatamente antes de ser embestido
por una furgoneta blanca,
cargada hasta la médula
de odio irracional,
y esclava del vacío.

La niña jamás olvidará a aquel desconocido,
héroe o heroína,
que se interpuso entre ella
¡y el eterno e infame olvido!

Raúl David Pomares

Ayer a las 18:24
English version of my last post:
I don't find the way to express what happened on my province of birth: Barcelona. Nevertheless, It has occurred to me a big metaphor just to emphasize the solidarity, the pain, the anonymous people' determination that do not hesitate tu put their own lives on risk to save the other's. And whose personal storys we will not ever know. As well as the freedom and bravery of our society... How unfair to lose one's life before it was supposed. And overall, to die at the hands of cruelty. From all this stuff and much more, the following poem has been born. Although, as usual, with so much clumsiness.

Today I've heard of an Italian tourist who died saving his children's lives.... So this poem (clumsypoem) comes from the bottom of my heart and the unknown reality.

Bacelona's Terrorist attack, 17th of August 2.017

A couple of uninhabited flip-flops
in middle of Catalonia square.

A cell phone is shivering over the floor,
in loneliness, neglected, voiceless 
because of its own shrieks' echo with no end.

... Someone has just run at breakneck speed looking for the life.
No one's, but hers.

"If I don't return, just say to the world

Those words were the last said by him
prior to pushing a whole lineage of future and hopes,
and just immediately afterwards
he was mercilessly crashed by a white van,
which was absolutely full of insane hatred,
and slave of emptiness.

The little girl will never forget this stranger,
hero o heroine,
who stood in the way between she
and the everlasting and infamous oblivion!

Raúl David Pomares


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