jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

fenómeno mediático

Susan Boyle cambia de imagen y su popularidad va en aumento dia
a dia.

En Facebook hay un grupo de apoyo, que ya esta en cerca de 25.000
seguidores y creciendo a cada minuto que pasa.

A donde llegara Susan con su aventura musical? por lo pronto, esta
empezando a cambiar un poquito, solo un poquito su forma de vestir,
ella misma ha declarado que hasta que no se vio en TV, no se habia dado
cuenta de lo mal que vestia; ahora a empezado a cambiar pero con vestidos
que se ven desde lejos el sello como diriamos? de ¿mercadillo?

Puede ser, pero no olviden que ese sello es el "suyo" un sello que se va a imponer el estilo
Susan Boyle. de hecho en Gran Bretaña ya se empieza a hablar de ese "estilo", yo creo
que dentro de cuatro dias veremos en todas las grandes ciudades a chicas empleando el
"estilo Susan Boyle"

DE hecho el impacto mediatico ha sio inmenso en Gran Bretaña y en el mundo entero un

Susan's TV impact no surprise to her loyal army of fans

BRITAIN’S Got Talent star Susan Boyle may be surprised by all the attention she has received since last week’s show, but her fans say it’s a miracle she wasn’t discovered sooner.

People in Susan’s home town of Blackburn say her singing talent has always set her apart and that she always impressed at karaoke nights.

But her popularity has not stopped there, as now Susan has won admiration from all over the world, including the United States and Spain.

Many people have already contacted the Courier asking for their best wishes to passed on to her.

The 48-year-old, who freely admits she has never been kissed, now has an army of fans who have seen her performance on the hit ITV show and YouTube. There is even talk that Susan will be signed by talent judge Simon Cowell’s label Sony BMG.

Susan says she has been “overwhelmed” by the support and that her phone has been red hot with people calling to wish her luck.

Carol Osbourne called the Courier from California this week to say: “I heard her on the internet and will be buying her records when they are released.

“I was blown away with her, she is a charming lady and I hope she does well. It’s amazing she wasn’t discovered sooner.”

Another message from America came from Ginny Devine, who lives in New Jersey.

She said: “Susan's audition is taking everyone by storm, we are all moved and really supporting Susan.”

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